Continuity of Bethel Business

COVID-19 Update – Continuity of Bethel Business

A LETTER FROM: The Grand Secretary of Idaho, Barb Mahoney

Hi Job’s Daughters Councils,

I have talked to LaWanda, GG about helping Bethel Councils with financial business. I want to let you know that I am available to help with questions at any time. 208-339-1687, call or text
or barbm.mahoney@gmail .com

Besides being Grand Secretary I am also the Bethel Guardian of Bethel #1. Like most of you we had to cancel our meeting before we had the chance to pay some bills.

There are no current guidelines for something like this so we will need to just use logic. We need to keep in touch with our Daughters and take care of the Bethel’s financial responsibilities. If and when Supreme does issue guidelines for paying bills that is what we will follow.

If you have bills from GGC for supplies you can pay them when Bethels can meet again.
HQ projects may also wait and your Bethel will still be credited for them in the current year.
I can’t speak for Grand Bethel but they may do the same if it’s requested for the Officer and Representative projects.

I will be happy to discuss other bill you may have concerns about paying.

It has been suggested that a Bethel Guardian Council meeting can be held via telecom or by email with some form of written record of the decisions made. The Daughters could vote to allow payment of the bills while the Bethel activities are suspended. When Bethel meetings resume, then the receipts and disbursements will be processed by the Bethel Guardian Secretary and Treasurer on proper the form and presented to the Bethel Daughters for vote under the proper order of business. Record details of the motions made and members present.

We don’t know how long it will take for this virus to resolve so keep an eye on the Idaho Website for updates from Supreme. The next Supreme Board of Trustees meeting is today 3/23/20 to discuss a possible extension.

As Bethel Guardian I would love to hear ideas on how to stay in touch with the Daughters. Bethel #1 will be mailing pictures from our last several events to each Daughter. What will you be doing?

Everyone is busy & worried with kids out of school, job uncertainties and health issues. Please don’t worry about Jobies; we have a great Grand Guardian Council that will help us all through.

Stay safe and healthy,


(Printable Version)

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