Grand Session 2020 – CANCELLED

Grand Session 2020 – CANCELLED


Dear Idaho Jobies, Jobie Families, and Council Members,

It is with great faith in our Supreme Being, optimistic hope for our future, and sincere charity for our members that I inform you of the final decision of the Executive Grand Guardian Council:

There will NOT be a 2020 Grand Session held by the Idaho jurisdiction of Job’s Daughters International.

After much discussion between Daughters and Adults, council received from Masonic family leaders, and review of other recent local decisions, the GGC felt the risk to our members and their families would be too great. The final decision is based upon recommendations from the (4) Grand Daughters and reached by 2/3 majority vote of the Executive Grand Guardian Council and Council of Advisors during meetings held May 3 and May 4th 2020.

Along with this decision, we have determined that we will not be sending a delegation to the 2020 Supreme Session.  

The current plan is for all Idaho Grand positions to remain in place for the ensuing year until our next Grand Session to be scheduled in June 2021. Of course, calls are being made and positions are being confirmed and/or discussed on a case-by-case basis. More details will be communicated soon.

Even when forced to physically distance from one another, let us not become isolated in our mind and heart. Let us rise-up to the challenge of these difficult or unusual times.

  • I call upon each of you to reach out in charity to others in your community.
  • I believe Job’s Daughters can show the world who we are and what it is we do especially now.
  • I call upon all Honored Queens to become the leaders of their Bethels and all Daughters to remain a force for good.
  • Past Grand Guardians, Grand Guardian Council and Executive Bethel Guardian Council Members stay in touch with our members.
  • Encourage one another.
  • Bee kind.


Jobie Love,

LaWanda Wold
Grand Guardian 2019-2020

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